Joining Condition

  • Have a strong entrepreneurial spirit, identify with the company's corporate culture, and be able to strictly follow the company's business management.

  • Able to fully devote oneself to the operation of beverage stores and receive Wedrink's training for improvement at any time.

  • Proactively respond to actions and suggestions from headquarters.

  • Regular follow-up visits by the headquarters can objectively and fairly reflect the actual business situation of the store, without deceiving or intentionally concealing the actual situation of the operation.

Join Process
By telephone
Telephone or online consultation to
understand Join cooperation matters and
request relevant information
On-the-spot investigation
Conduct on-site inspections at the
headquarters and engage in relevant
communication with headquarters staff.
Qualification review
The headquarters conducts qualification checks
on investors and confirms their
Join qualifications.
Sign a contract
Both parties confirm that there
is no dispute regarding the
inspection results and formally sign the contract.
Drawing design
Provide free store layout design,
decoration, and follow up guidance
throughout the entire process.
Training support
Professional training in store operation
management theory and practice until
passing the assessment.
Opening guidance
The company provides guidance on
opening activities and specialized store
tracking services for market supervision.
Official business
A complete raw material and
logistics supply system distributes all
equipment and materials to the store,
and market personnel regularly supervise
the store to improve its efficiency.
Join fees and profits
Name Money Description
Inspection fee RM 2000 The company sends professional auditors to review the storefront, combine the surrounding consumption situation and market potential, make a comprehensive revenue estimate, and propose suggestions for the design and decoration of the storefront.
Join fee RM 8000/year The company grants the Join rights of WEDRINK chain stores to Joines, and licenses Joines to use their trademark logos and business technology assets as expenses for obtaining the Join rights, trademark usage rights, and business technology asset usage rights. The contract is for a period of three years.
Margin RM 10000 The fees paid to ensure that Joines and their affiliated WEDRINK stores fulfill their obligations under the Join contract. The contract will not be renewed upon expiration, and the deposit will be refunded without interest.
Management fees RM 5000/year Used for the daily file management, logistics service management, supervision service management, marketing activity planning and promotion, revenue analysis and business quality cycle system management, and professional technical support service hotline of the company for Joines.
Training fees RM 1000/person Store decoration guidance training, technical training, equipment training, business training, store management training, etc., with at least 2 people trained per store.
Equipment costs RM: around 60000 Including ice cream equipment, ice making equipment, water purification equipment, cash register equipment, etc. The specific equipment configuration standards will be adjusted according to the actual store requirements.
First batch of raw materials RM: 40000 All product raw materials and packaging materials are uniformly supplied by the company.
Total investment amount RM: 130000 Excluding store decoration and rent.
Taking the store area of 20 square meters as an example, all costs are estimated and for reference only. The specific costs are subject to the actual situation.
Analysis project Off Island Java Island Jakarta and surrounding areas
rent 60.000.000/year 100.000.000/year 130.000.000/year
Employee salaries 18.000.000/month 18.000.000/month 20.000.000/month
Electricity, water, and other costs 6.000.000/month 8.000.000/month 10.000.000/month
Per capita consumption sixteen sixteen eighteen
Average daily income 8.000.000/day 10.000.000/day 12.000.000/day
Monthly total income 240.000.000/month 300.000.000/month 360.000.000/month
Monthly gross profit 156.000.000/month 195.000.000/month 234.000.000/month
Monthly net profit 127.000.000/month 160.000.000/month 193.000.000/month
Annual net profit 1.524.000.000/year 1.920.000.000/year 2.316.000.000/year
Taking the store area of 20 square meters as an example, all costs are estimated and for reference only. The specific costs are subject to the actual situation.
Join fees
Profitability analysis
Frequently asked questions
  • q:
    What is the Join model of WEDRINK?

    The WEDRINK Join model mainly focuses on single store Join, with Joines operating entirely, and headquarters not participating in Join store profit sharing. All market headquarters operate and manage uniformly, making market information more transparent. This model makes it more convenient for Joines to manage their storefronts and facilitates the formation of profit models.

  • q:
    How to apply to join WEDRINK?

    1. Fill out the Join application form through the official website of WEDRINK.
    2. Call WEDRINK's official Join hotline 021-52399666 for consultation.
    3. Leave a message for consultation through WEDRINK's official Tik Tok, Facebook, and Instagram.

  • q:
    What documents do I need to obtain to open a store?

    Each country has different requirements, and to apply for relevant documents, Joines need to consult with relevant local departments for application.

  • q:
    How long is the payback period for opening a WEDRINK store?

    The average payback period for WEDRINK stores is between 8 months and 1 year.

Join support
  • Own raw material factory

    The company has a dedicated raw material processing base to ensure consistent raw materials in global stores, while ensuring long-term stability in supply channels and quality.

  • Own tea garden base

    The company has its own tea plantation and orchard base, from the source to the tea cup, fresh to the mouth, and stable supply channels.

  • Self built logistics system

    The company has a comprehensive modern logistics supply system, with fast delivery of raw materials, greatly reducing procurement and transportation costs, and creating greater profit margins for Joines.

  • Own R&D team

    The company relies on factories and has the ability to develop and produce raw materials, as well as store product research and development capabilities. It regularly promotes new products according to the rhythm of new product launches.

  • Decoration design support

    In order to ensure the unity of the WEDRINK brand image, the headquarters provides free store space design for Joines, integrates the WEDRINK brand image, and creates fashionable and personalized WEDRINK stores.

  • Store location support

    Provide store location selection, store investment, business circle analysis, etc., and provide professional Market data for Joines; The company has a training base and all product packages in its stores, making it easy to start a business.

  • Brand operation management

    Comprehensive marketing and promotion, including store activities, delivery operations, and mentoring, with multi-channel promotion to accurately attract customers to the store.

  • 24-hour after-sales service

    The company strictly selects cost-effective machinery and equipment. If there are any problems, the company will immediately arrange professional personnel to solve them and provide comprehensive protection.

Tea advocates consultation