How to choose the store size when opening an ice cream and milk tea shop
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  • Release time: 2024-07-27 16:53:56

  As the economic environment continues to improve, more and more entrepreneurs choose to open ice cream and milk tea shops to start their own entrepreneurial journey. However, many entrepreneurs are struggling to know how to choose the size of the store when they first dream of opening an ice cream and milk tea shop. How big an area is appropriate? The area of the store is not just a game of numbers. It is a magic mirror of the atmosphere in the store, allowing every bite of ice cream and every cup of milk tea to breathe freely in this world and bloom the most attractive charm. How to choose the size of the store when opening an ice cream and milk tea shop? Let's explain it in detail today!

  The size of the store area determines the popularity of the ice cream and milk tea shop after opening, the investment cost of the entrepreneur, the investment risk of the entrepreneur, etc. Therefore, when making plans in the early stage, the store area must be clear. How to choose the size of the store and how large the area should be should be considered from the following three aspects.

  1. Entrepreneurs' ability to rent

  The cost of opening an ice cream and milk tea shop is mainly spent on the store, including transfer fees, decoration fees, rent, water and electricity bills, etc. And the ability to rent is the cornerstone of this business battlefield, which is stable and indispensable.

  Cost and the location of the store and its space scale are like weights on both ends of the scale, maintaining a delicate proportional relationship with each other. Every entrepreneur knows that the better the location of the store, the larger the area, and the higher the cost. Entrepreneurs who want to open ice cream and milk tea shops should also know that it does not mean that the better the location, the better the business, and they also need to analyze it in combination with the actual situation.

  Especially for entrepreneurs with limited cash flow budgets, if the location is not appropriate and exceeds their own leasing capacity, then if the customer flow is not stable, it may lead to cash flow problems, so it is very important to plan in advance and clarify the store area.

  2. Can the store area guarantee operational efficiency

  The essence of the operation of the ice cream and milk tea shop is the operation room. It is not okay to be too big or too narrow. Too much space will cause necessary luxury and waste. On the contrary, if the space is too narrow, the smooth operation and customer expectations will struggle in this narrow gap, which will not only affect the work efficiency of the operator, but also give consumers a bad visual experience.

  3. The user experience of the store for consumers

  A large part of the reputation of an ice cream and milk tea shop comes from consumers, and the reputation directly affects the long-term development of the store. Therefore, the operation room should be clean and tidy. A messy operation room will also cause a bad experience for customers. If the user experience is poor, even if the product quality is good and the price is cheap, it will be difficult to enter the consumer's sight.

  4. Difficulty of operation

  The difficulty of store operation is proportional to the store area. The larger the store, the more difficult it is to manage. Including store hygiene, employee management, store layout, event planning, etc. Ice cream and milk tea shops with large areas have high rent costs and a large number of employees, so the store's turnover needs to maintain a standard every day, otherwise it is easy to lose money. In order to increase sales, it is necessary to conduct regular event marketing to attract consumers, and the difficulty of store operation and management will also increase. Therefore, when planning the store area in the early stage, these need to be taken into consideration.

  The above is a detailed explanation of the article "How to choose the store scale when opening an ice cream and milk tea shop". From the above four aspects of analysis, it can be seen that store selection is a very important part of opening an ice cream and milk tea shop. Entrepreneurs need to carefully consider and plan in the early stage, so as not to choose a small store, resulting in insufficient popularity and low sales. It can also avoid choosing a store that is higher than their tolerance range, causing waste and difficulty in maintaining. As a professional and formal ice cream and milk tea chain brand, WEDRINK adopts the "whole store output model", including store project establishment, store site selection, in-store products, image, decoration style, salesperson training, logistics system, brand operation and other one-stop services. After the store is successfully opened, it will continue to promote the brand and enhance the brand influence of the store. At the same time, it will regularly innovate products to attract people and increase the rate of customer return. If you are interested in joining WEDRINK, you can call the brand's official investment hotline, looking forward to your joining!

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