What are the industry taboos in ice cream and milk tea beverage shops
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  • Release time: 2024-08-15 16:09:21

  Do you want to open your own ice cream and milk tea shop? Many entrepreneurs are currently looking at this low-cost and high-return industry. At the same time, the booming beverage market has doubled the confidence of investors. The starting point of wanting to realize your entrepreneurial dream is good, but you must not blindly open a store. Before deciding to start a business, you must figure out the industry taboos of ice cream and milk tea shops. So what industry taboos do entrepreneurs need to avoid? Today we will explain this issue in detail.

  Generally speaking, the industry taboos of ice cream and milk tea shops mainly include the following aspects:

  1. Unclear positioning

  Entrepreneurs must first clarify the positioning when deciding to open an ice cream and milk tea shop. Positioning is not only the soul of the entrepreneur's strategic planning, but also a compass that leads their own stores to stand out in the fierce market competition. The positioning mentioned here includes three aspects: store positioning, product positioning, and consumer positioning. If the positioning is not clear, for example, the store brand positioning is relatively high-end, the pricing is relatively high, but it is chosen next to a middle school, it will cause poor customer flow, low turnover, and it will be difficult to sustain. There is also a beverage store that started out selling freshly squeezed juice, which was quite distinctive in the surrounding area and had decent business. Later, it blindly added unfamiliar new products, which led to a decline in product reputation, resulting in customer loss and sales that were not as good as before.

  2. Lack of business planning

  Compared with other catering industries, ice cream and milk tea beverage stores have relatively low thresholds and low investments, which has caused many entrepreneurs to rush to open stores without making business plans, and have insufficient assessments of consumer groups, cash cycle, and estimated turnover. When risks come, they will be caught off guard and unable to deal with them. Therefore, to avoid this situation, entrepreneurs need to have a systematic business plan at the beginning of their business, and do not rush into it, which will lead to business failure!

  3. Lack of consumer market research

  As the cornerstone of business decision-making, the importance of consumer market research is self-evident. Therefore, entrepreneurs need to do a good job of market research before opening a store, including store location, beverage brand, store design, brand influence, brand marketing planning, etc. Many beverage shops think that they can win by offering lower prices than other competitors nearby. In fact, they should pay more attention to field surveys of the market, and respond to consumer preferences and other strategies to attract consumers through marketing activities.

  4. Lucky site selection

  Shop site selection should be cautious. A good location can achieve twice the result with half the effort in actual operation, but the reality is that many people would rather believe that they are lucky and think that low transfer fees and rents can slowly support their business, but they are unwilling to find several more stores to compare. This lucky mentality is the biggest reason for site selection problems. If the location is not chosen well, the subsequent operation will be very difficult.

  The above is a detailed explanation of the article "What are the industry taboos for ice cream and milk tea beverage shops?" At present, the new tea beverage project belongs to a hot spot in the catering industry, with small investment, fast returns, simple operation, and suitable for novice entrepreneurs, but some industry risks should still be avoided and do not open stores blindly. You can choose a strong ice cream milk tea brand to join, which can help entrepreneurs avoid detours and generate income faster!

  WEDRINK is a national tea drink franchise chain brand that focuses on ice cream milk tea, fruit drinks, and ice cream. With its high-quality taste, affordable prices, and young and energetic brand positioning, it has won the recognition of consumers. The company has been working hard in the new tea drink industry for more than ten years, providing franchisees with one-stop support from site selection, decoration, training, and operation, and solving problems in a practical way, making it easier for franchisees to open stores!

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