How to choose the right ice cream milk tea brand
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  • Release time: 2024-07-04 15:06:16

According to the current market development analysis of the ice cream and milk tea industry, the sales volume of the ice cream and milk tea beverage market has always been relatively good, and its audience is generally young people. After in-depth analysis of the market context of the ice cream and milk tea industry, we found that the sales of ice cream and milk tea beverages and their loyal followers are mainly concentrated among the energetic young people. They are like pilgrims in the world of ice cream and milk tea, pursuing that touch. The sweetness of ice and fire.

With the growing consumer groups, in this era full of opportunities and challenges, the ice cream and milk tea industry is writing its own glorious chapter with its unique charm. As the capacity of the industry continues to expand, more and more entrepreneurs are entering this industry hoping to make a fortune. However, some merchants open an ice cream and milk tea shop and the business is booming, while others can barely maintain it, and some even sell the store for transfer within a few months of opening...

First of all, we must understand that doing business is risky. Many people want to make quick money, so when they enter the ice cream and milk tea industry, they will choose to join. So when choosing a brand, you must be careful. After all, in an asset-light business, every penny is accumulated through your own hard work. What preparations do we need to make before opening a store?

1. Investigate and compare brands, understand the differences and prices of each brand, as well as product content, and have a preliminary understanding of the industry;

2. Contact the brand’s investment manager to obtain brand introduction and product materials, understand the joining conditions and procedures, and support policies;

3. Then conduct on-site inspections of the brand’s stores and taste the products;

4. Visit several cities, inspect multiple stores for one brand, and communicate with consumers to understand the brand’s market visibility and reputation;

5. Record the location and customer flow of the ice cream and milk tea stores inspected, compare which geographical location is suitable for opening a store, and understand the per capita consumption level in each location, such as schools or business districts;

6. Choose the brand of interest, conduct in-depth communication, and understand the guarantee services provided by the brand;

7. Select a few ideal locations to open a store, observe the flow of people on the spot, make comparisons, and use this location as the center to understand the number and brands of peers;

8. Calculate costs, profit margins, and expected payback time.

Don’t be impulsive when choosing to join. Make a calm and rational analysis, inspect and compare multiple projects. The amount of preparation work before joining is huge, but the risk will be relatively small after opening a store. Only by making preparations in advance can you be better off. avoid risk.

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